Membership level email notifications can be very useful for both members and the site owner. They handle the task of automatically providing information related to a number of topics.
These notifications can remind a user if they have not completed their registration yet.
Or, you can customize the email that is sent to the user when they register. It can contain their login information and a welcome message with details related to their membership. You can also set a notification email to be simultaneously sent to you informing you of the new member sign up.
Of course, you may want to disable some membership level email notifications if it feels like you’re getting too many. You also have that option when using the membership level notification settings in WishList Member.
Email Notifications Settings
The WishList Member notification settings for a membership level are available in the Setup > Levels > Click to edit Level > Notifications section in WishList Member. The screenshot example below shows a level named Silver.

The Notifications tab has four types of email notifications. You can check out more details on each of those below.

New Member Registration
There are two New Member Registration emails that can be sent when a new member registers to this level. One can be sent to the user and one can be sent to the site admin.
You can click the Edit Notifications button to enable and configure the User Notification and Admin Notification email messages that can be sent when a member registers for this membership level.

The New Member Notifications popup appears and displays the User Notification tab.
New Member Notifications – User Notification Tab

The default settings will cover most situations but you have the option to adjust the available settings for the User Notification email.
When a Member is Added to This Level. You can select if the member should or should not receive this email when they join the membership level.
- Send Email: The email will be sent to anyone who joins this membership level
- Send Email ONLY to New Members: The email will only be sent to new members who join this membership level. Existing members will not be sent this email.
- Do NOT Send Email: The email will not be sent to anyone.
Use Global Default Sender Info. If enabled, the Sender Name and Sender Email set as the Global Default Sender Info will be used when sending the email. If disabled, another name and / or email address can be set. The Sender Name and Sender Email are seen by the email recipient in their inbox.
Note: The Global Default Sender Info is located in the Advanced Options > Global Defaults > Email section.
Reset to Global Default Message. The email subject and email message can be edited. The default email message includes a selection of mergecodes. These include the login form mergecode and the username and password mergecodes. These mergecodes will display a link to the login form and the username and password used during registration. These mergecodes can be removed or others can be added.
Note: The Global Default Message is located in the Advanced Options > Global Defaults > Email > Global Email Notifications Defaults section.
Insert Merge Codes. WishList Member mergecodes can be inserted into the email message. The mergecode will be inserted into the message and will display the corresponding information to the user when viewing the email. For example, the user's first name, last name, email address, membership level, etc.
You also have the option to send a notification to the site admin. This can be used if you want to be notified when a new members joins your site. It's nice to get that little boost of positivity when a member decides to sign up. This can be done in the Admin Notification tab in the New Member Notifications popup.
New Member Notifications – Admin Notification Tab

The default settings will cover most situations but you have the option to adjust the available settings for the Admin Notification email. Feel free to make the email match your style.
When a Member is Added to This Level. You can select if the email should or should not be sent when a user joins the membership level.
- Send Email: The email will be sent when anyone joins this membership level.
- Send Email ONLY for New Members: The email will only be sent when new members join this membership level.
- Do NOT Send Email: The email will not be sent.
Use Global Default Sender Info. If enabled, the Sender Name and Sender Email set as the Global Default Sender Info will be used when sending the email. If disabled, another name and / or email address can be set. The Sender Name and Sender Email are seen by the email recipient in their inbox.
Note: The Global Default Sender Info is located in the Advanced Options > Global Defaults > Email section.
Reset to Global Default Message. The email subject and email message can be edited. The default email message includes a selection of mergecodes. These include the first name, last name, membership level, email, and username, mergecodes. These mergecodes will display the corresponding information for the user. These mergecodes can be removed or others can be added.
Note: The Global Default Message is located in the Advanced Options > Global Defaults > Email > Global Email Notifications Defaults section.
Insert Merge Codes. WishList Member mergecodes can be inserted into the email message. The mergecode will be inserted into the message and will display the corresponding information to the user when viewing the email. For example, the user's first name, last name, email address, membership level, etc.
Incomplete Registration
An incomplete registration can occasionally happen if a user doesn't complete the registration process after payment. An example would be not fully filling out the registration form.
In cases like this, WishList Member can send a sequence of notification emails to the user prompting them to complete their registration. This helps to encourage the user to finish registering so they can acess all the benefits of your site.
You can click the Edit Notifications button to enable and configure the User Notification email messages that can be sent when a user doesn't complete the registration.

The Incomplete Registration Notifications popup appears.

The default settings will cover most situations but you have the option to adjust the available settings for the User Notification emails. You can include specific information about what they will get once they complete the registration. This helps to entice them into taking that final step.
Enable. If enabled, a sequence of reminder emails will be sent to the user if they have not yet completed their registration. The email contains a link the user can use to complete their registration.
Note: Reminder emails will not be sent if the user has completed their registration.
First Sent After. The first reminder email will be sent after the set time in the First Sent After field. As an example, if this is set to 1 hour, the reminder email would be sent 1 hour after the user began the registration (if they have not yet completed registration).
Send Every. The time interval each additional reminder email will be sent after the first reminder email is sent. As an example, if this is set to 24 hours, the next email(s) would be sent in 24 hour intervals after the first reminder email was sent.
Total Sent. The total number of reminder emails to be sent. As an example, if this is set to 3, a total number of 3 reminder emails would be sent at the scheduled intervals. The first reminder email would be sent followed by two additional reminder emails for a total of 3.
Note: Messages are scheduled with the WP Cron built into WordPress. The WP Cron does not support specific time. For example, 1 hour may be slightly more or slightly less than 60 minutes. Decimals can be used to set a time less than 1 hour. Example: 0.5 equals 30 minutes and 0.25 equals 15 minutes. That being said, you won't need to be concerned about precise timing (down to the exact minute) for these emails.
Use Global Default Sender Info. If enabled, the Sender Name and Sender Email set as the Global Default Sender Info will be used when sending the email. If disabled, another name and / or email address can be set. The Sender Name and Sender Email are seen by the email recipient in their inbox.
Note: The Global Default Sender Info is located in the Advanced Options > Global Defaults > Email section.
Reset to Global Default Message. The email subject and email message can be edited. The default email message includes a selection of mergecodes. These include the membership level mergecode and the mergecode that will display a clickable link to complete the registration. These mergecodes can be removed or others can be added.
Of course, the mergecode that displays the clickable link should always remain.

Note: The Global Default Message is located in the Advanced Options > Global Defaults > Email > Global Email Notifications Defaults section.
Insert Merge Codes. WishList Member mergecodes can be inserted into the email message. The mergecode will be inserted into the message and will display the corresponding information to the user when viewing the email. For example, the user's first name, last name, email address, membership level, etc.
Membership Cancelled
When a membership level is cancelled for a member, they can no longer access any protected content assigned to that level. You have the option to set an automatic email notification to be sent to a member when their membership level is cancelled.
You can click the Edit Notifications button to enable and configure the User Notification email message that can be sent when a membership level is cancelled.

The Membership Cancelled Notification popup appears.

The default settings will cover most situations but you have the option to adjust the available settings for the User Notification email.
Enable. If enabled, the email will be sent to the user if their membership level is cancelled.
Note: This notification default setting is disabled. You may not want to send a notification each time a membership level gets cancelled.
Use Global Default Sender Info. If enabled, the Sender Name and Sender Email set as the Global Default Sender Info will be used when sending the email. If disabled, another name and / or email address can be set. The Sender Name and Sender Email are seen by the email recipient in their inbox.
Note: The Global Default Sender Info is located in the Advanced Options > Global Defaults > Email section.
Reset to Global Default Message. The email subject and email message can be edited. The default email message includes a selection of mergecodes. These mergecodes can be removed or others can be added.
Note: The Global Default Message is located in the Advanced Options > Global Defaults > Email > Global Email Notifications Defaults section.
Insert Merge Codes. WishList Member mergecodes can be inserted into the email message. The mergecode will be inserted into the message and will display the corresponding information to the user when viewing the email. For example, the user's first name, last name, email address, membership level, etc.
Membership Uncancelled
If a membership level has been cancelled for a member, there is an option to uncancel that membership level. If you uncancel a membership level, the status for that membership level would be active. This means the member would be able to access protected content assigned to the membership level.
You have the option to set an automatic email notification to be sent to a member when their membership level is uncancelled.
You can click the Edit Notifications button to enable and configure the User Notification email message that can be sent when a membership level is uncancelled.

The Membership Uncancelled Notification popup appears.

The default settings will cover most situations but you have the option to adjust the available settings for the User Notification email.
Enable. If enabled, the email will be sent to the user if their membership level is cancelled.
Note: This notification default setting is disabled. You may not want to send a notification each time a membership level gets uncancelled.
Use Global Default Sender Info. If enabled, the Sender Name and Sender Email set as the Global Default Sender Info will be used when sending the email. If disabled, another name and / or email address can be set. The Sender Name and Sender Email are seen by the email recipient in their inbox.
Note: The Global Default Sender Info is located in the Advanced Options > Global Defaults > Email section.
Reset to Global Default Message. The email subject and email message can be edited. The default email message includes a selection of mergecodes. These mergecodes can be removed or others can be added.
Note: The Global Default Message is located in the Advanced Options > Global Defaults > Email > Global Email Notifications Defaults section.
Insert Merge Codes. WishList Member mergecodes can be inserted into the email message. The mergecode will be inserted into the message and will display the corresponding information to the user when viewing the email. For example, the user's first name, last name, email address, membership level, etc.
The membership level email notifications that can be used in WishList Member help make it easier for member registration and to keep the site admin informed. You can select which email notifications best suit you and your site.
Note: You can get more info on each tab that appears when creating or editing a membership level using the links below.
- Create a New Membership Level – Overview (includes a Video Tutorial)
- Access
- Registrations
- Requirements
- Additional Settings
- Email Notifications
- Actions