A number of notification emails can be edited and customized in the Advanced Options > Global Defaults > Email section of WishList Member.
These include emails to notify Members and the Site Admin of new members, cancelled members, registrations requiring approvals and more.

Video Tutorial
For Reference
The following is explained in the Tutorial Video above and is included here for quick reference. A selection of emails are included in the Global Email Notifications Defaults section.
New Member Registration: The email a New Member receives after joining a Level.
Incomplete Registration: The email a Member receives if they do not completely fill out the registration form. A link to complete the registration is included in the email.
Membership Cancelled: The email a Member receives if their access to the Level is Cancelled.
Membership Uncancelled: The email a Member receives if their access to the Level is Uncancelled.
Require Admin Approval for Free Registrations: The emails that are sent to the Member and to the site Admin during the approval process for a free Level.
- Notification to Admin: The email sent to the site Admin as a notification a Member is awaiting approval.
- User Awaiting Approval: The email sent to the Member informing them about the pending approval.
- User Approved: The email sent to the Member when they have been approved by the site Admin.
Require Admin Approval for Shopping Cart Integrations: The emails sent to the Member and to the site Admin during the approval process for a paid Level.
- Notification to Admin: The email sent to site Admin as a notification a Member is awaiting approval.
- User Awaiting Approval: The email sent to the Member informing them about the pending approval.
- User Approved: The email sent to the Member when they have been approved by the site Admin.
Require Members to Confirm Email: The emails sent to the Member during the Email Confirmation process for a Level.
- User Notification: The email a Member receives stating they need to confirm the registration using the link included in the email.
- User Notification Reminder: The email a Member receives with a reminder (If Needed) stating they need to confirm the registration using the link included in the email.
- Email Confirmed Notification: The email a Member receives after they confirm the registration.
Expiring Member: The emails sent to the Member and the site Admin if a Level is set to expire and the expiration date is approaching.
- User Notification: The email a User receives if they belong to a Level set to expire and the expiration date is approaching.
- Admin Notification: The email a site Admin receives if a User who belongs to a Level set to expire is approaching the expiration date.