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WishList Member Social Login – Allow Users to Login Using Their Social Accounts

WishList Member Social Login - Allow Users to Login Using Their Social Accounts

Your members likely have several social accounts and have even more online accounts for various sites (including your membership site). This means your members need to keep track of multiple sets of login details at any given time. Why not make it easier on your members by allowing them to login to your membership site using their social account? Now your members can have one less set of login details they need to remember.

This is possible when using the WishList Member Social Login Add-on. You can select to enable one, some or all providers from a range of popular social options like Facebook, Google, X (formerly Twitter), and WordPress.com. Once the Add-on is enabled on your site and the Social Provider has been configured and verified, the login option for the enabled Social Provider will be displayed as a login option on WordPress and WishList Member powered login pages.

The Social Login options you decide to enable are provided in addition to the standard WordPress/WishList Member login methods. This results in your members being able to login using the method of their choice.

The Social Login Integration Add-on is available in select WishList Member plans.

Social Login Providers

You will find the available Social Providers in the Social Login section of WishList Member.

The WishList Member Social Login Add-on must be enabled for it to appear in the WishList Member menu.

WishList Member Social Login - Select a Social Provider

Your members will just need to have an existing account in your membership site in order to use the Social Login option. You can manually add members to your site or members can register to join your site using any WishList Member registration method.

An existing member only needs to connect their membership site account to their social account once and can login using their social account moving forward.

Enable and Configure Social Providers

You can enable and configure any of the available Social Providers. The choice is yours to decide which Social Providers can be used by your members to login to your site.

This article is focused on the WishList Member Social Login features, shortcodes, display options and more. Detailed instructions on enabling and configuring each Social Provider are available in their own Knowledge Base entries and can be accessed using the corresponding links below.

Enable and Configure Facebook

Enable and Configure Google

Enable and Configure X (formerly Twitter)

Enable and Configure WordPress.com

Connection Methods for Social Accounts

There are two possible scenarios used by WishList Member Social Login when a member connects their site account to their social account. Facebook, Google and WordPress.com handle the connection process in a similar way while X (formerly Twitter) handles the connection process a bit differently.

Scenario 1 is the primary method used for connection and Scenario 2 is the secondary method used for connection. WishList Member Social Login uses Scenario 2 if Scenario 1 is not able to create the connection.

The following applies to the Social Provider(s) that are enabled on the site. Only enabled Social Providers will be shown to members as a connection option.

Connection Scenario 1

If a member has an existing Facebook or Google or WordPress.com social account and that social account uses the same email address that is tied to their site account (where the WishList Member Social Login Add-on is installed), Scenario 1 will be used. The member can connect their accounts by using the available login button for their social account displayed on the login form and won’t need to manually connect the accounts using the Connect button on the site. In this scenario, WishList Member Social Login will automatically search for a match of the member’s email address in the site database and in the social account database. If there is a matching email address, the site account and social account will be connected.

This scenario is the primary method to create the connection and is tried first by WishList Member Social Login when the login button for the social account displayed on the login form is used. This scenario is not possible when using the X (formerly Twitter) Social Provider because X (formerly Twitter) doesn't share the social account email address information.

Connection Scenario 2

If a member has an existing Facebook or Google or WordPress.com social account and that social account does not use the same email address that is tied to their site account (where the WishList Member Social Login Add-on is installed), or the member wants to use X (formerly Twitter) to login, Scenario 2 will be used. The member will just need to manually connect their social account using the Connect button that can be included on a page within the site. The Connect button is often included on a user profile page. The member can run through the quick connection process when they click the Connect button.

In either scenario, the connection process only needs to be done once to allow the member to login using their social account for that Social Provider moving forward.

WishList Member Social Login Shortcodes – Display Social Login Buttons and Connect/Disconnect Buttons to Members

WishList Member Social Login includes a shortcode to display the Social Login buttons members can use to login with their social accounts. An additional shortcode is also available to display the Connect/Disconnect buttons members can use to connect or disconnect their social accounts from their site accounts.

This allows you to add those buttons to any pages on your site. As an example, you could use the Social Login Connect/Disconnect Buttons shortcode on a member dashboard page. This would provide your members with the option to connect their site account to one of their social accounts and login with that social account moving forward.

The WishList Member Social Login Shortcodes are available in the WishList Member Shortcode Creator that can be found on your WishList Member Dashboard or when using the Classic Block in the WordPress Gutenberg editor.

WishList Member Social Login - Shortcodes

WishList Member Social Login Buttons Shortcode


This shortcode displays the Social Login button(s) members can use to login with their social accounts. The screenshot example below shows a site with a member who has connected their site account with their Facebook account so they are seeing the button to login with their Facebook account.

A member will need to have connected their social account with their site account in order to view and use the social login button(s) generated by this shortcode. The Social Login button will appear to those member who are not currently logged into the site.

WishList Member Social Login - Social Login Button

WishList Member Social Login Connect/Disconnect Buttons Shortcode


This shortcode displays the Connect/Disconnect buttons members can use to connect or disconnect their social accounts from their site accounts. The screenshot example below shows a site with the Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) Social Login options enabled. Site members can connect their preferred social account by clicking the appropriate button.

WishList Member Social Login - Connect to Social Accounts

In this screenshot example below, it shows what a member will see once they click to connect their site account with their Facebook account. A message stating they have successfully connected their Facebook account is displayed and a button with the option to disconnect their Facebook account is now displayed.

WishList Member Social Login - Disconnect from Social Accounts

If the Disconnect button is used, a message stating the member has successfully disconnected their Facebook account is displayed and the button with the option to connect their Facebook account is displayed again.

WishList Member Social Login - Disconnect from Social Accounts

WishList Member – Member Profile Shortcode


WishList Member includes a Member Profile Form shortcode. This shortcode can be used to insert a form into a page that will display member account info. The member can view or edit these details on that page.

The WishList Member Social Login Connect/Disconnect buttons are automatically added to the form that is displayed when using the Member Profile Form shortcode. This allows members to connect or disconnect their social accounts on any page that uses that Member Profile Form shortcode.

The example screenshot below shows a logged in member viewing a page that includes the Member Profile Form shortcode. The site has the Facebook and Google Social Providers enabled and the member has not connected their site account to either of the available social accounts in this case. The member has the option of clicking the Connect button if they want to connect any of their accounts.

WishList Member Social Login - User Profile

Social Login Options Appear on WishList Member and WordPress Login Forms

Once you have enabled and set up a WishList Member Social Login provider, a login button will automatically appear for that Social Provider on your WishList Member and WordPress powered login forms. You can use one, some or all of the available Social Providers including Facebook, Google, X (formerly Twitter), and WordPress.com.

This example screenshot shows the enabled Social Provider login options on the login form generated when using the WishList Member Login Form Mergecode. In this case, the enabled Social Providers are Facebook and X (formerly Twitter).

WishList Member Social Login - WordPress and WishList Member Login Forms

The next two examples show the enabled Social Provider login options on the standard WordPress login form that appears on the /wp-admin or /wp-login.php pages of a site.

These examples are also using the WordPress Login Form Styling option included in WishList Member to easily customize the appearance of the standard WordPress login form.

WishList Member Social Login - WordPress and WishList Member Login Forms

WishList Member Social Login - WordPress and WishList Member Login Forms

Social Login Connection Status on User Profile

You can view the connection status of any enabled Social Providers for a member in their user profile. This can be accessed by clicking the User Profile icon that appears in the Members > Manage section of WishList Member when you mouse over a member account.

WishList Member Social Login - User Profile

The User Profile section will appear and you can scroll to the bottom of the page. The example screenshot below shows a member who has connected their site account with their Facebook account. You have the option as the site admin to disconnect the member's site account from their social account using the provided button.

Only Social Providers enabled in WishList Member Social Login will appear in this section.

WishList Member Social Login - User Profile

WishList Member Social Login Tutorial Video

This tutorial video provides a brief overview of the WishList Member Social Login Add-on. Additional details are available within the article above.

You can use WishList Member Social Login to provide your members with flexibility when it comes to how they login to your site. They can use their preferred login method to quickly gain access to their protected content whether it's one of the available social options or the usual login form.

This article is focused on the WishList Member Social Login features, shortcodes, display options and more. Detailed instructions on enabling and configuring each Social Provider are available in their own Knowledge Base entries and can be accessed using the corresponding links below.

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