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  4. Each Membership Level Includes a Level ID Number
  1. Home
  2. Knowledge Base
  3. Levels
  4. Each Membership Level Includes a Level ID Number

Each Membership Level Includes a Level ID Number

You can see a Membership Level ID number in the bottom left of the screen for each membership level if you hover your mouse over the Level Name for a level in the Setup > Levels section in WishList Member.

You will see the Level ID number in the string right after #levels_access-

Example: https://wlm-wray.apps.cspf.co/wp-admin/admin.php?page=WishListMember&wl=setup%2Flevels&level_id=1534276756#levels_access-1534276756

(In this example, the Level ID is 1534276756)

You should see that appear on the bottom left of the screen when you mouse over the membership level name. You can also click to edit the level and the URL will appear in the address bar of the browser including the Level ID.

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