Quizzes – How can I set passing a Quiz be required to access the next Lesson in a Course?
A Quiz can be added to a Course and it can be configured to require a user pass that Quiz...
CourseCure Courses – Individual Non-Members Pages and Wrong Membership Level Pages
The Courses Add-on in CourseCure has 4 options to set as System Pages (Non-Members Page, Wrong Membership Level Page, etc.) when using...
CourseCure Courses – Library Search Bar
A Search Bar can be enabled and displayed on the Course Library page. Users can use the Search Bar to...
CourseCure Courses – Recommended Image Sizes
There are number of images that can be added when creating a Course using CourseCure. There are recommended image sizes...
CourseCure Courses – Using the WordPress Customizer to Edit the Appearance of your Courses
Using CourseCure with WishList Member allows for many creative options for courses on your site. One example is the ability...
Hooks – Courses
Below are the available Hooks within Courses. These can be used to customize the functionality for Courses. Filters and Actions...