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  5. Points – How Do I Display Points Total, Points Redeemed, etc. to Users?
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  5. Points – How Do I Display Points Total, Points Redeemed, etc. to Users?

Points – How Do I Display Points Total, Points Redeemed, etc. to Users?

You can use shortcodes to display Points-related information to Users on your site.

This includes information such as their Lifetime Points, Points Redeemed, Points Remaining, and more.

There is a corresponding shortcode for each option. Each can be used to display one Points Total or multiple shortcodes can be used together to display a Points section for Users.

In the example below, four shortcodes have been inserted into a page named “Points”.

The shortcodes can be inserted into any page or post and they will display the corresponding information to Users.

Lifetime Points: [wlpts_lifetime_points] – Displays the total number of Points the User has earned.

Remaining Points: [wlpts_remaining_points] – Displays the total number of Points the User has remaining.

Points Redeemed: [wlpts_redeemed_points] – Displays the total number of Points the User has redeemed.

User Points Logs: [wlpts_user_logs] – Displays a table showing the Points transactions for the User.

The look of the page or post can be designed based on your site theme.

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