
Gamify / Gamification – CourseCure

You can add gamification to a WishList Member-powered site through the Points and Badges add ons.​These features can be used...

Badges – How Do I Assign a Badge to a User when a Course is Completed?

Incentives that encourage Users to complete a Course can be an effective way to increase engagement and raise the overall...

Quizzes – How can I set passing a Quiz be required to access the next Lesson in a Course?

A Quiz can be added to a Course and it can be configured to require a user pass that Quiz...

Points – How Do I Assign Points to a User when a Course is Completed?

Incentives that encourage Users to complete a Course can be an effective way to increase engagement and raise the overall...

CourseCure Courses – Recommended Image Sizes

There are number of images that can be added when creating a Course using CourseCure. There are recommended image sizes...

CourseCure Courses – Enable Post Types in Page Builders (Elementor, Oxygen, Divi, Beaver Builder, etc.)

A Page Builder can be used with Coursecure. The Course Library, Modules and Lessons pages are standard WordPress custom post...

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