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  4. WishList Member Social Login – Enable and Configure X (formerly Twitter) Provider

WishList Member Social Login – Enable and Configure X (formerly Twitter) Provider

This article is focused on the enabling and connection process between X (formerly Twitter) and WishList Member Social Login. More details on the WishList Member Social Login Add-on including features, shortcodes, additional social providers, display options and more can be found in the main WishList Member Social Login Knowledge Base entry.

Enable X (formerly Twitter) Social Provider

You can select and enable the X (formerly Twitter) option in the Social Login section of WishList Member.

WishList Member Social Login - Enable X (formerly Twitter)

The X (formerly Twitter) configuration section appears and you can click to “Enable the X (formerly Twitter) Provider”.

WishList Member Social Login - Enable X (formerly Twitter)

The X (formerly Twitter) configuration section will now display two fields required to connect your site with your X (formerly Twitter) App. This is because WishList Member and X (formerly Twitter) need to be connected using the X (formerly Twitter) Client ID and X (formerly Twitter) Client Secret provided by X (formerly Twitter). This connection process is explained below the following screenshot.

WishList Member Social Login - Enable X (formerly Twitter)

Connecting WishList Member and X (formerly Twitter)

You will need to create an X (formerly Twitter) App in order to allow your users to login with their X (formerly Twitter) accounts.

The first step is navigating to https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/projects-and-apps and logging in with your X (formerly Twitter) account in order to create your X (formerly Twitter) App.

You will need to sign up for an X (formerly Twitter) Developer account if you don't have one already.

WishList Member Social Login - Create X (formerly Twitter) App

Creating an X (formerly Twitter) App

Once logged in with your X (formerly Twitter) Developer account, click the project you want to use for this integration on the left side navigation in the Projects & Apps section.

You can use the “+ Add Project” Button if you don't have a project created yet.

WishList Member Social Login - Create X (formerly Twitter) App

In that case, you will just need to run through the basic setup by selecting your Project Name, Use Case and adding a Project Description.

WishList Member Social Login - Create X (formerly Twitter) App

Once the project has been created, click the project name on the left side navigation in the Projects & Apps section and click the “+ Add App” button on the bottom of the page. The project name is “My New Project” in the screenshot example below.

WishList Member Social Login - Create X (formerly Twitter) App

The Name Your App > App Name section appears. Enter a name for your app in the provided field and click the Next button.

WishList Member Social Login - Create X (formerly Twitter) App

The Name Your App > Keys & Tokens section appears. Click the App Settings button.

You don't need the particular keys or tokens (API Key, API Key Secret, and Bearer Token) displayed in this section for this integration.

WishList Member Social Login - Create X (formerly Twitter) App

Setting Up Your X (formerly Twitter) App

The App is created based on the information above and the App Settings section appears. Click the Set Up button under User Authentication Settings.

WishList Member Social Login - Setup X (formerly Twitter) App

The User Authentication Settings section appears. Set the App Permissions to Read and set the Type of App to Web App, Automated App or Bot.

WishList Member Social Login - Setup X (formerly Twitter) App

Scroll down the page and add the following URL to the “Callback URI / Redirect URL” field. You will need to replace YOUR-SITE-URL with your actual site URL.


Add you site URL to the Website URL field. You will need to replace YOUR-SITE-URL with your actual site URL.


Once all the fields are filled in as explained above, click the Save button on the bottom of the page.

WishList Member Social Login - Setup X (formerly Twitter) App

You are directed to a page that contains the OAuth Client ID and Client Secret fields. Copy each field value and paste it into the corresponding field in WishList Member.

You can also find the Client ID and Client Secret in the App > Keys & Tokens > OAuth 2.0 Client ID and Client Secret section.

WishList Member Social Login - Setup X (formerly Twitter) App

Click the Save Settings button in WishList Member once the two fields have been filled in.

WishList Member Social Login - Connect WishList Member with X (formerly Twitter)

Once you have saved the Client ID and Client Secret, click the Verify Settings button to complete the integration.

WishList Member Social Login - Verify

The X (formerly Twitter) verification screen will be displayed. Click the Authorize App button to confirm the integration.

WishList Member Social Login - Connect WishList Member with X (formerly Twitter)

A successful verification message will be displayed and X (formerly Twitter) is now connected with WishList Member.

WishList Member Social Login - Verify

This article is focused on the enabling and connection process between X (formerly Twitter) and WishList Member Social Login. More details on the WishList Member Social Login Add-on including features, shortcodes, additional social providers, display options and more can be found in the main WishList Member Social Login Knowledge Base entry.

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