
Gamify / Gamification – CourseCure

You can add gamification to a WishList Member-powered site through the Points and Badges add ons.​These features can be used...

Hooks – Badges

Below are the available Hooks within Badges. These can be used to customize the functionality for Badges. ========== /*** Fires...

Hooks – Quizzes

Below are the available Hooks within Quizzes. These can be used to customize the functionality for Quizzes. ========== /*** Fires...

Hooks – Courses

Below are the available Hooks within Courses. These can be used to customize the functionality for Courses. Filters and Actions...

CourseCure Courses – Library Search Bar

A Search Bar can be enabled and displayed on the Course Library page. Users can use the Search Bar to...

Summary of CourseCure Shortcodes

Each Add-on within CourseCure has it's own set of Shortcodes. More details on how to insert a Shortcode using the...

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