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  4. Tutor LMS Integration with WishList Member

Tutor LMS Integration with WishList Member

WishList Member includes an integration with Tutor LMS. You can set specific automation to occur for your users based on rules you set up.

This can include options like adding users to a new course in Tutor LMS when they join a new membership level through WishList Member. You might want to add users to a Tutor course if they get added to a level in WishList Member. Or, you could remove them from a course if they cancel their access to your site. Course Actions and Membership Level Actions can also be applied to handle situations like adding a user to a membership level in WishList Member if they start (or complete) a course created in Tutor LMS. These are just a few samples of available options and more details are explained below (including examples and screenshots).

Enable Tutor LMS Integration

The first step is installing the Tutor LMS plugin. This can be done by searching for the Tutor LMS plugin in the Plugins > Add New section of WordPress.

Then you’ll want to build your course(s) in Tutor LMS. The Tutor LMS integration with WishList Member requires a course (or courses) to be set up first.

So, you can begin by creating your course in the Tutor LMS section of your site.

Once your course is created, head over to the Setup > Integrations > Other Services section in WishList Member:

And, select and enable Tutor LMS:

Once enabled, you’ll see two primary options for handling “Actions” between WishList Member and Tutor LMS:

A brief overview of each option:

  • Membership Level Actions. Actions that occur in WishList Member. For example, a member is added to a level or removed from a level, etc. Under this tab, these actions act as the “trigger”.
  • Course Actions. Actions that occur in Tutor LMS. For example, a student is added to a course or completes a course. Under this tab, these actions act as the “trigger”.

Membership Level Actions

To specify Membership Level Actions for a particular membership level, click on the name of the desired level or the corresponding Edit icon.

The Edit pop-up will appear:

Here you have four “triggers” you can “attach” actions to:

  • Added. When a member is added to this membership level, this trigger will “fire”.
  • Removed. Removal is different from cancellation or expiration. In those scenarios, the member still technically “belongs” to the level, they just have a level status of cancelled or expired. Removal is removing the member from the level completely. This trigger will “fire” when a member is removed for this level.
  • Cancelled. When a member is cancelled from this membership level, this trigger will “fire”.
  • Uncancelled. When a member is uncancelled from this level, this trigger will “fire”. Uncancellation can happen if a member is cancelled from the level and then rejoins that same level.

Next, you have two “actions” you can attach to the “triggers” mentioned above:

  • Enroll In Course. This will enroll a member in the course specified.
  • Remove From Course. This will remove a member from the course specified.

To get started, select the tab you’d like to use as a trigger:

Added, Removed, Cancelled or Uncancelled

Next, decide which action you’d like to occur:

Enroll In Course or Remove From Course.

Finally, select the Course you’d like members enrolled in or removed from:

For example, if we stay in the “Added” tab and we select “Course 1” from the dropdown under “Enroll In a Course”… that will result in members being enrolled in Course 1 in Tutor LMS when they are added/register to the Gold level.

Please note, there is also an option to select if you want to enroll existing members in the level into the course.

When you’re done, be sure to click the “Save and Close” button.

Course Actions

Course actions are essentially the reverse of Membership Level Actions. Here, we use actions that occur in Tutor LMS as the “trigger” and specify actions to occur in WishList Member when those triggers fire.

Start by selecting the “Course Actions” tab. You’ll see a list of the courses you’ve created in Tutor LMS:

Click on the name of the desired course or the corresponding Edit icon.

The Edit pop-up will appear:

There are two triggers:

  • When Enrolled in this Course. This trigger will “fire” when a member is enrolled in this course.
  • When Course is Completed. This trigger will “fire” when a member completes this course.

Each trigger has three actions you can you can specify:

  • Add to Level. This will add members to the level(s) specified.
  • Cancel From Level. This will cancel members from the level(s) specified.
  • Remove From Level. This will remove members from the level(s) specified.

To get started, select the tab you’d like to use as a trigger:

When Enrolled in this Course or When Course is Completed.

Then, decide what actions you’d like to occur when this trigger is fired:

Add to Level, Cancel From Level and/or Remove From Level.

Next, select which level(s) you’d like added, cancelled or removed using the dropdown boxes provided.

For example, we can stay on the “When Enrolled in this Course” tab and select the “Silver” level in the “Add to Level” dropdown. Now, when a member is added to “Course 2” in Tutor LMS, they will also be added to the “Silver” level in WishList Member.

WishList Member

When you’re done, be sure to click the “Save and Close” button.

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