WishList Member includes a selection of Error Pages.
These pages will appear to users based on specific situations. For example, users who do not have access to protected content will be redirected to the set Non-Members page.
Or if a member is logged in but doesn't have the membership level required to access a protected post, they would be redirected to the Wrong Membership Level page.
These types of options allow for a site owner to create helpful and useful messaging on the error pages. These messages can inform users and can also be used to offer options for interested users to buy or gain access to the required membership level.
Each Error Page has a pre-configured message to explain options to the user. You can also customize any message if you would like.
These settings are available in the Advanced Options > Global Defaults > Error Pages section in WishList Member
More details are included below (including a Tutorial Video).

Error Pages
Non-Members. The Non-Members error page will be displayed to Non-Members (users with no membership level assigned to them) if they attempt to access any protected content. It will also be displayed to those who are not logged in if they attempt to access any protected content.
Wrong Membership Level. The Wrong Membership Level error page will be displayed to logged in members if they attempt to access protected content that is not assigned to their member level(s).
Example: A logged in member with the Silver membership level will be redirected to the Wrong Membership Level page if they try to access a protected page only assigned to members with the Gold membership level.
Membership Cancelled. The Membership Cancelled error page will be displayed to a member if their membership level has been cancelled.
Example: A logged in member with a cancelled Bronze membership level will be redirected to the Membership Cancelled page if they try to access a protected page only assigned to members with the Bronze membership level. The member can not access Bronze content since they are cancelled from the Bronze level.
Membership Expired. The Membership Expired error page will be displayed to a member if their membership level has expired.
Example: A logged in member with an expired Platinum membership level will be redirected to the Membership Expired page if they try to access a protected page only assigned to members with the Platinum membership level. The member can not access Platinum content since they are expired from the Platinum level.
Prevent duplicate payment provider registrations. If enabled, a member who has previously registered and has an existing account and then attempts to use the same information to register again (username, password, etc.) will not have a new account created, but instead the existing account will be updated.
Error Pages – Configure
The blue Configure button is used to set the option to display a page, a message or a URL for each Error Page.

A page can be displayed or a set message can appear. There is also an option to enter a URL that would redirect the user to another site.

Page. An existing page on the site can be set as the error page. The green plus button can be used to create a new page.
Message. A message will be displayed to the user. A default message is included but you can edit the message if you would like.
Note: The message can include WishList Member mergecodes and shortcodes and other formatting.
URL. A URL can be used to redirect the user to a page not located on the main site.