Administration - Email Broadcast

Want to send a message out to members of a certain level, or to a segment of members in your Saved Searches? In this video, we'll look at how to send an email broadcast directly from your WordPress dashboard in WishList Member. 

This video we're going to talk about Email Broadcasts.

To get started, we'll click on this setting link here. This shows just a few settings for your email broadcasts.

This is the CAN-SPAM information. Depending on where you live, this is probably required in most places. Of course, again, it's up to you to know the laws in your area, but name, email, street, address, that sort of thing is usually required for sending emails of this type. So you want to enter that information if it's not already in here and save that.

We also have this Member Unsubscribe Notification. This will be sent to the site admin whenever a member unsubscribes from email broadcast.

Members can unsubscribe, which is a legal requirement. This is the email that you will get when someone does that. You can enable or disable that email depending on your preference.

So that's the settings. Those are pretty simple and straightforward.

This screen is going to show broadcasts you sent. We'll go ahead and skip that for now and create an email broadcast.

One thing you'll notice here is that if you try to create an email broadcast and you don't have this information filled in, it's going to pop up this screen due to legal requirements.

So we'll just do 555 Street Name, Any Town, and 55555. Select country and hit Save & Close.

Now if we go to click Email Broadcasts (+), we're good to go, and there are a number of different options here. First, you can set the From Name and From Email. That's pretty straightforward. You can select who you want to send it to. So, you can select membership levels or as I covered in the members tab about manage, you can also select a saved search.

When you do an advanced search in the members manage screen, you can save that search. If you do that, it will now show up here once you select Saved Searches. You can select it here, and this email will only be sent to people who would show up in that search, who qualify for whatever settings you set over there.

We'll go back to Membership Levels and just select our Gold level here. Now you can include Canceled Levels if you'd like. You can include Pending Levels. These are levels for people who, if you have Email Confirmation turned on or Admin Approval turned on, would be considered pending. If you want to include those people as well, you can select that.

In terms of the email, it's pretty straightforward. Subject Line, Body, that's all standard email stuff. You can do text or HTML emails. You can also do merge codes, so you can insert the first name or email address, whatever you'd like, in there using the merge codes. You can have a little signature here like this.

Then you can check whether you want this email sent to the site administrator's email address. If you essentially want a copy of the email, you can check this.

So that's pretty straightforward, creating the email. Once you're done, you can select Preview Broadcast, and that will give you a preview of what the email is actually going to look like. You can see everything in it: the subject, the body, the signature. This must be included by law, as well as the CAN-SPAM information.

Once you've done that, you can either Edit the broadcast or hit Send Broadcast. Now you'll see this in the list we talked about, and you'll notice how the status may have been a little quick, but the status said Queued.

We queue the emails as a performance thing with your server. Once those emails are all processed, the screen will refresh, and the status will switch over to Done. You can see the status of your email broadcasts as they're being sent out. This will also keep a record of all the broadcasts you sent. You can delete it if you want, or look at it again by jumping back in here to see what that broadcast was like.

So that's Email Broadcasts inside WishList Member.

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